The Health J

Healthy Tips and Information


The Best Guide to Getting Started and Having Fun With Yoga

Yoga is a gentle, fun, and accessible series of exercises and stretches to aid relaxation and balance. Yoga is a great body and mental workout, especially during the winter months.  Yoga is excellent to relax in and helps you focus — and it is an excellent addition to your weekly exercise routine. Yoga also improving flexibility, health, strength, and stamina, and it’s also great for relieving stress. See your yoga practice as a way to connect with yourself, the universe, and life as a whole.

It is essential to find a great and easy-to-use method to do yoga. All yoga is not created equal. A wide range of programs, like Yoga for Beginners, is available, and you can see a lot of good reviews. These are definitely excellent additions from my experience.

You will need to know what the basic poses of yoga are to get started. You will eventually need to know all of the yoga poses names in both English and Sanskrit. I like to use my yoga classes to work on the basics. These are things that most people can get the hang of, even though some people may not be as aware or have the capacity to do so. You will also need to know when to stop and breathe.

woman doing yoga near rock during daytime

The first pose you will work on is the Vinyasa Flow. You can just start here, or start with the traditional hatha yoga poses and do just a bit of  Vinyasa Flow on the side for a few more months. Work on a specific yoga asana pose until you get the hang of it.

I think one of the most important things is actually to feel it. The most important thing is the flow. Feel breathing, feel the muscles, and work with those muscles to get more, explore the pose.

Once you are confident, the next thing is to start your practice. In the beginning, you may feel like you are going to get frustrated pretty quickly, but it will get easier as you practice. 

The more you know how to hold yoga poses, the easier the practice becomes.  As you practice, your awareness is more present and less tense. You become more calm and relaxed. You will be able to relax more quickly because you are no longer feeling anxious or stressed, and because you are less aware of things around you. 

woman doing yoga during daytime

You will also want to understand how to do pranayama breathing when you are doing the yoga asanas as well as during meditation. As with any other breathing exercise or relaxation practice such as walking on a beach, these techniques really work best when you are relaxing. Even if your breathing is “tight” or “tight and stiff,” you can try to relax. At first, it’s hard. But as you continue doing it, it becomes more comfortable with more and more relaxation. As you get more comfortable, you can then start to “relax” in a “controlled manner” and take in some of the therapeutic benefits of breathing.

How long should you pause between the poses? How long or short should your practice sessions be? There are really no “rules” except that you’re probably not going to get to the end of the session before you feel like you are ready to move on.

Choose a quality yoga mat that is comfortable, supportive, and fits your budget. We recommend a mat that is big enough to use with your entire back and legs. The perfect yoga mat is also something that is has a good grip and is very durable.

How much money do you want to spend on your yoga mat? If you want the most affordable mat for your needs, it may be best for you to choose a mat that is between $20-$35, but with the right support for your feet, you may be able to get away with less expensive mats. If you’re looking for a mat that is great for beginners – that’s between $40 and $50, it may be best for you to choose a mat that is between $70 to $90.

You may also need some basic yoga props to get started. Yoga blocks, yoga straps, blankets, and bolsters will be especially helpful for beginner yogis.

man doing yoga

Reach the ultimate goal of yoga, which is to be aware of your breath and to breathe in only in the time you need to. With your senses sharpened, move through the air as it moves — without being distracted in the slightest. The practice is the most essential way to make this practice a part of you. 

Once you get started, you can take your time and just experiment when you have to. If you’re just starting out and your partner isn’t quite ready yet, start small. You’ll be able to pick up a lot more along the way. If you are a new yoga student, or have been attending yoga classes and meditation instruction for a very long time, you should have these foundational concepts down by now.  This is also part of your learning process! Hopefully in no time at all you’ll be smiling and ready to move ahead with your own practice! 

I will leave you with this thought – if you feel stuck when you’re a beginner or just looking for some information, don’t be afraid to ask questions.  There are some wonderful people out there who will be happy to help!

Juno Ivy Richards: Juno, an environmental health advocate, discusses the impact of environmental factors on health, climate change, and sustainable living practices.