The role of integrative medicine in dealing with complex and chronic conditions can never be underestimated. Integrative medicine incorporates both complementary and conventional treatments, including yoga, chiropractic care, meditation, etc. The best thing about integrative medicine is that it targets social, environmental, and behavioral aspects of people with various underlying conditions. Most therapists recommend Coastal integrative medicine since it focuses on treating the body, spirit, and mind. They’ve classified complementary therapies into the following:
a. Physical Approach
As the name suggests, these are therapies meant for muscle manipulation to promote healing. Chiropractors majorly use this approach to reduce inflammation and pain caused by various reasons. Some of the treatments here include massage therapy and spinal manipulation.
b. Psychological Approach
This is a form of therapy that focuses on reducing stress and calming the mind. Some best-known psychological approaches include meditation, music therapy, relaxation therapy, and art therapies.
c. Nutritional Approach
These therapies specifically deal with nutritional aspects such as using supplements, minerals, herbs, probiotics, and vitamins. Supplements are the most common and come in powder, liquid, or capsule form. However, it’s advisable to consult your doctor if you want to take a particular supplement. This is essential, especially if you’re under medication or have a chronic condition.
Who Does Integrative Medicine Help?
Coastal integrative medicine helps patients deal with various chronic medical conditions as follows:
– Physical conditions such as headaches, asthma, sciatica, diabetes, joint pain, chronic pain, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia.
– Mental disorders such as depression, addiction, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and insomnia.
In conclusion, integrative medicine use is growing faster across the globe due to its numerous benefits, including alleviating pain, improving cognitive function, improving appetite, and maintaining a healthy body. It’s common in cancer treatment centers. The only risks associated with integrative medicine are conflicting recommendations, possible complications, and side effects.